last underground mining at Reed Gold Mine occurred
in 1912, but people continued to actively pan for
gold in Little Meadow Creek throughout the
twentieth century. In 1966, Reed Gold Mine, and
specifically portions of Little Meadow Creek, were
designated National Historic Landmarks. Today,
they are protected historic properties and panning
is no longer allowed in the creek.
is the mission of Reed Gold Mine State Historic
Site to teach the history of
North Carolina
gold mining and to share the state’s gold mining
heritage with its visitors. To further this
mission an educational panning area has been set
up adjacent to Little Meadow Creek. Today,
visitors to Reed Gold Mine can learn the proper
process and techniques of gold panning from
instructors. Panning is available April through
October, weather permitting. Because of the
physical difficulties associated with this
activity, panning for gold is not recommended for
children under the age of eight, unless they have
the assistance of an adult in their party. The
troughs in the panning area meet
ticket to pan entitles the bearer to one gold pan
filled with ore. Not every pan will yield gold.
The rate of finding gold is generally one out of
every five to six pans. The fee for panning is
$3.00 per pan. Groups (of 10 or more) that
schedule a reservation in advance will receive the
group rate of $2.00 per pan.
NOTE: Groups of children arriving as part of a
scheduled field trip will not be allowed to pan
unless they are in the third grade (in
summer months, children must be rising
third graders). There will be no exceptions to
this age/grade requirement.